Happy Morning

Yesterday was a Saturday.  It was a wonderful, relaxing day, and I woke the best way. Before I share how I woke, let me explain how most mornings go.  Most mornings I get up, use the toilet, then free my toddler from her tenure in solitary confinementand see to her needs including emptying her training toilet, getting her breakfast or turning on a cartoon, aka a ‘movie’.  In between, her events, I try to squeeze in preparing my own breakfast, caring for pets and any other task that demands my attention a particular morning.

But not that Saturday morning.  My wife heard knocking from the inside of our daughter’s room and responded with uninterrupted vigor usually unknown to our abode at such an hour.  As she freed the tiny blonde prisoner, she was greeted by a small, “Good morning mommy!”  I for a change, stayed in bed, and from my vantage point, could stare directly down the hall to my daughter’s room and watched the two ladies I love start their day together.  And as I did, I poured out my heart to the creator of all and told Him, “Thank you for this moment and for my wonderful tiny family. While I wish to make our family larger, if this is all that I get to have then So be it because this is true happiness.”

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