Laughter is Good Medicine

Yesterday, I wrote about using small acts of service to help combat depression.  Today, I want to continue combating depression with laughter.  Ever notice how a good laugh makes you feel good?  Laughing releases endorphins and those feel good.  There was a very scientific study somewhere that I don’t want to look up that proves it.

Sometimes TV or movies can be funny enough, but life gives the best laughs.  Elle walking in covered in ink from the markers she found, with the biggest smile on her face, saying “Daddy, me pretty.”  Misusing the word ‘seduce’ as ‘seduct’ while kissing my wife.  A duck walking down the street sideways like its drunk.  All these happened and made someone fall over in laughing fits.

While laughing will not cure a chronic illness, it does make life enjoyable.  Go make memories.  What are some memories of yours that made you fall over laughing, share down in the comments.