Tired, Sore Back, Chapped Lips=Worth It

Wow!  A few months ago I was asked by my church to be an assistant Scoutmaster for my congregations scout troop.  I am over the ‘New Scout’ patrol consisting of the 11 year olds that just joined the troop from cub scouts.  My wife is my assistant leader, I love it, she loves that I love it.

This last weekend, I went with my troop to our local districts ‘Klondike’ campout.  It was my first campout as a scout leader, and the first scout campout for my patrol.  It was the first campout for most of them without family, and maybe their first cold weather campout.

My wife, while a bit bummed to deal with our kid alone for the weekend, was more than happy to get rid of me for the weekend.  I had a warm enough sleeping bag, and a decent sleeping pad, and plenty of good clothing for the trip.  I did not get enough sleep due to the scouts getting rowdy at 3:00 am.  It took two of us yelling at them to quiet down before I could get back to sleep.  I got slightly sunburnt, chapped lips, and my back is sore from sleeping on the ground, but it was worth it to see my scouts compete against other troops and patrols, and do very well.

Anyway, there are many things in life that take our time outside of what we planned to do, our career.  But they are worth doing, and make life more enjoyable along the way.


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